We Are Holding This is an invitation for people directly impacted by systems of family regulation, surveillance, and policing to gather our creative expressions and to know one another through the liberatory practice of independent publishing. As this space grows, it will feature zines, newspapers, manifestos, and other printed materials that you can hold in your hands.
The only theme is abolition.
Growing from You Are Holding This: an abolitionist zine for and by adopted, fostered, and trafficked people (which you can now order online here,) our media distribution hub weaves together efforts of various groups working to abolish family regulation, surveillance, and policing world wide.
Because separation and isolation are core violences of the systems we are fighting, we desire to create interdependence between abolishing Family Regulation Systems and overlapping movements including Indigenous Sovereignty, Prison Industrial Complex abolition, Disability Justice, Immigrant Justice, and Reproductive Justice. We ground these efforts in commitments to reciprocity and coalition building.
We are holding this, together.